
Aubrey Harry

Chief Nursing Officer

Aubrey Harry, is 31 years old and married to husband, Greg. They have a daughter that will be 2 years old in October. Aubrey was raised in Dallas, TX and has lived in Tyler for the majority of the last 10 years. She graduated with her BSN in December 2009 and obtained her MSN in August of 2016. She was fortunate to receive an opportunity to enter nursing administration at a young age and have served as the Chief Nursing Officer for the last 5 years at Tyler ContinueCARE Hospital.

Aubrey’s nursing experience includes Medical/Surgical, Progressive Care Unit, and LTAC. She values the small joys in life and has been blessed beyond measure by her nursing career in that it led her to her husband. Nursing has allowed her to serve many patients, and now serve other caregivers through her leadership role.


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