
Dr. Daniel Crawford

Principal, Robert E. Lee High School

Dr. Dan Crawford, is proud to share that this past summer he Graduated from Leadership Tyler, Class 32…Which has had a profound impact on the difference in last year’s presentation and the one he will be sharing with you today.

Dr. Dan Crawford has been a Campus Administrator for 16 years. He is serving in his 13th year as a Campus Principal. He has served in Urban, Suburban & Rural school districts, and has worked in five different classifications of schools, from the 2A to 6A level.

He is currently in his 4th year as HS Principal at Robert E. Lee HS in Tyler, Texas, which has approximately 2200 students. He has been an adjunct professor for the past seven years at Dallas Baptist University and this past spring joined UT-Tyler as an adjunct professor, teaching Research, Law, Finance & Facilities for Teachers pursuing their Masters Degrees in Educational Leadership.

My Sessions