Jim Parsons

Senior Judge, Texas

Honorable Judge Jim Parsons
Senior Judge
State of Texas

Texas Board of Corrections, 1985-1986  State Bar of Texas: Author and Lecturer, trial procedure, trial technique, jury trial improvement and evidence including the following: _ SBOT Advanced Personal Injury Courses _ SBOT Advanced Civil Trial Courses _ SBOT Advanced Family Law Courses _ SBOT Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Institute _ SBOT The Use of Experts in Litigation _ SBOT Winning Trail Tactics and Techniques from the Experts Institute- _ SBOT Utilizing Experts in Litigation, Performance and Enhancement Course _ SBOT Summer School, Jury Trial Improvement _ Advanced Evidence and Discovery Courses  President of the State Bar of Texas, 1990-1991 _ SBOT Board of Directors- 1983 to 1986 _ Dedicated year of Presidency of SBOT to The Year of Inclusion _ Recognized by minority bars for advancing minority participation in the SBOT _ Resigned seat as an ABA delegate so that I could appoint (in his place) the first woman, first African-American Texas delegate to the ABA _ Presidential year was also the year of legislative sunset for the Bar; the Bar, by referendum, passed a new grievance system and doubled their dues to finance the reforms    _ While Bar President traveled to the Soviet Union and brought judges, lawyers and professors from the Soviet Union and various republics who attended the SBOT Annual Bar Convention, under the title of Rule of Law or Rule of Man, as the Soviet Union was dissolving. Judiciary:  Judge, 3rd District Court, 1996 to 2007  Senior District Judge, 3rd District Court, 2018-  Recognitions:  Alumnus of the Year, Bates College of Law, University of Houston Alumnus of the Year, Lon Morris College Lawyer of the Year, Mexican-American Bar Association Citizen of the Year, 2018, Palestine Outstanding 50 year lawyer, State Bar of Texas, 2019  Texas Supreme Court Appointee: _ Texas Judicial Council 1997-2001 _ Supreme Court Task Force on Jury Assembly and Administration 2006  American Board of Trial Advocates: _ President, TEX-ABOTA         2012 _ President, East TEX-ABOTA 2010 _ National Board Member     2010 to 2015  Board Certifications:  Board Certified, Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Personal Injury, Civil Trial and Family Law, prior to assuming the bench   Jury Trials:   Tried over 300 jury trials, off and on the bench.

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