Whitney Crews


Whitney Crews
Hallsville ISD

Whitney Crews is a 26 year veteran educator and currently teaches sixth grade social studies at Hallsville Junior High in Hallsville ISD. After graduating from Baylor University, she taught sophomore English at Van High School in Van ISD. The following years were all spent at EJ Moss Intermediate in Lindale ISD. During those 25 years, Ms. Crews taught 6th grade language arts, science, and social studies as well as several years of summer school for English Language Learners. In addition, she served in many leadership positions including subject and grade level lead; committees for district and campus improvement, technology integration, parent involvement, and curriculum contact; new teacher mentor; professional development facilitator; UIL academics coach and judge for multiple events; and student teacher supervisor. Her passion has always been to provide her students with as many unique opportunities as possible; so she instituted such traditions as the World Culture Fair, Geography Bee, holiday choral reading performances, student buddy mentorship, and multiple fundraisers for fellow students, staff, and local organizations. Her last three years with Lindale were as her campus’ 4th-6th grade gifted and talented teacher. In this position, she received  numerous grants and parent donations that enabled her to develop the district’s first Makerspace. Many of her students earned awards in various east Texas competitions and participated in several national competitions.  For her service as a K-Kids club sponsor for nearly ten years, she was awarded the PLGA Kiwanis International Youth Leadership Award. Also, Ms. Crews was twice named Lindale ISD’s teacher of the month and went on in 2014 to be named Region VII’s teacher of the year and the 2015 Texas Elementary Teacher of the Year by the Texas Association of School Administrators. She is a member of the Texas Classroom Teachers Association, the National Network of State Teachers of the Year, the Texas Council for Social Studies, and the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented. Her certifications include Secondary English, Elementary Self-Contained, Secondary Journalism, as well as ESL and GT supplementals. This is her third year to participate in the Career Success Conference.  Ms. Crews makes her home in Hallsville with Chris and bonus daughters Blaique and Margeaux. She is also mom to Makenna, a TJC student living in Tyler, and Kelsey, a labor and delivery nurse who made her a Mimi to Eli and Christina, all living in El Paso. 

My Sessions